Ode to Truth

Here we stand, shadows in a crowd
The anthem begins, the trumpets sound
Here we stand with our hands at our hearts
America: how great thou art!
Here we stand and cheer with our voices
The anthem begins, the trumpets sound
Here we stand with our hands at our hearts
America: how great thou art!
Here we stand and cheer with our voices
As we raise the stars and stripes
But under the surface we grow evil devices
And bloody our knives with their cries
With the tears of our babies, unborn yet alive
Ripped limb by limb from their homes
Here we stand for a country to strive
Using babies as our stepping stones
We tell our children they can be
An astronaut in space
Or a doctor, a scientist, anything
"Just make the world a better place!"
We really should be telling them
From the moment they're conceived
And really ought be helping them
To see reality
Dear babies,
You can live the American dream
Rise up from the ashes of the universe
You can be here, standing beside me
-- if they don't kill you first.
Dear babies,
If you're wanted, you're in luck!
If you're not then boy you're stuck.
We'll say that you would suffer if you'd lived another day
But dear, solute your country, accept our evil ways
You're alive! Be glad! The dream is at your fingertips!
I bet that you can't wait to see the lies we teach our kids!
But do not look so daunted
Our praise has just begun!
Ain't it great to be so wanted
In a place that kills their young?
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