Nine Days--A poem for Lady Jane Grey

Lady Jane Grey is the cousin of the young King Edward VI. She is better known as the "Nine Days Queen", because she only reigned for nine days. Her husband, Lord Guilford Dudley, was publicly executed and his body was taken past her door. She is known to have cried out his name in agony.
She was beheaded just days after, refusing to convert into the Catholic faith. Her final words are included in this poem. She was eighteen years old...
Oh Guilford, Guilford!
Darling Guilford.
I see they took your life.
They hardly gave
You a day
To change this world
Of sin and strife.
But I, oh I,
Was given nine!
Nine days to change the world.
Oh Guilford, Guilford!
Darling Guilford.
I shout out to the Lord,
As my time is soon
“Into thy hands I commend my spirit!”
That he may hear from Heavens throne,
And bring me safe to you.
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