Dampers Story
“ If I told you that a long time ago the entire world rested in the hands of one very unruly child, you probably wouldn’t believe me. So that is why I don’t tell stories to people that often. I can't really, because not everyone is willing to believe a cloud is talking to them. Some are just too unimaginative to believe it,” “I believe you, sir,” Came a small voice. Sitting in the puffy white hands of the age-old cloud, a child with a pair of yellow pajamas, curly red hair, and big eyes perched happily. “Oh, Piper. I know that it is easy for you to believe in me. You are but a girl. Someday you will forget, when you are all grown up.” He looked up to the stars that lit the night sky and twinkled playfully to the sleeping earth below them. “I guess I won’t ever grow up then,” She smiled widely and lay her head ge...